Pengaruh Hemodialisis terhadap Urea Reduction Ratio pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Stadium V di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

Wahyuni Armezya, Ellyza Nasrul, Elizabet Bahar



 Pravelensi pasien penyakit ginjal kronik stadium V yang mendapat terapi hemodialisis terus meningkat di dunia. Dosis hemodialisis yang diberikan kepada pasien harus mencukupi kebutuhan tubuh agar tujuan terapi dapat tercapai dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh hemodialisis terhadap Urea Reduction Ratio (URR). Penelitian secara eksperimental kuasi dilakukan pada 55 pasien hemodialisis sejak Agustus 2013 sampai Maret 2014. Data dikumpulkan dari rekam medik dan hasil pemeriksaan ureum sebelum dan sesudah hemodialisis. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji t berpasangan dan korelasi Pearson untuk mengetahui perbedaan ureum sebelum dan sesudah hemodialisis serta pengaruh hemodialisis terhadap URR. Berdasarkan data penelitian didapatkan hasil rerata ureum sebelum hemodialisis sebesar 100,27 mg/dl, rerata ureum sesudah hemodialisis 31,17 mg/dl dan rerata URR sebesar 68,80%. Sebanyak 62% pasien mendapatkan hemodialisis yang adekuat dan 38% pasien mendapatkan hemodialisis tidak adekuat. Uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan ureum sebelum dan sesudah hemodialisis (p = 0,0001) dan terdapat pengaruh signifikan hemodialisis terhadap URR (p = 0,0001).

Kata kunci: hemodialisis, ureum, URR



The prevalence of chronic kidney diseases stage V that receive hemodialysis therapy rise in the world. Hemodialysis doses are given to the patient must meet the body’s needs in order to make the therapeutic goals can be achieved well. The objective of this study was to determine the adequacy of hemodialysis measured by URR in hemodialysis patients in the M Djamil hospital Padang. Quasi-experimental studies performed on 55 hemodialysis patients from August 2013 to March 2014. Data were collected from medical records and the results of urea before and after hemodialysis. Bivariate analysis using a paired t test and Pearson correlation urea to know the difference between before and after hemodialysis and hemodialysis influence on the URR. The results showed that the mean of urea levels before hemodialysis is 100.27 mg/dl, the mean of urea levels after hemodialysis is 31.17 mg/dl and the mean of URR is 68,80%. The 62% patients got adequate hemodialysis and 32% patients got inadequate hemodialysis. Based on statistics, obtained p value is 0.0001 showed there are siginificants difference in urea before and after hemodialysis and there are the influence of hemodialysis to URR (p value: 0.0001).

Keywords: hemodialysis, urea, URR

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Copyright (c) 2016 Wahyuni Armezya, Ellyza Nasrul, Elizabet Bahar

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