Hubungan Status Gizi Bayi dengan Pemberian ASI Ekslusif, Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu dan Status Ekonomi Keluarga di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Padang Pasir

Aisyah Nilakesuma, Yusri Dianne Jurnalis, Selfi Renita Rusjdi


Status gizi merupakan salah satu tolak ukur untuk menilai perkembangan kesehatan bayi. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi status gizi seorang bayi, diantaranya pemberian ASI ekslusif, tingkat pendidikan ibu dan status ekonomi keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara status gizi bayi dengan pemberian ASI ekslusif, tingkat pendidikan ibu dan status ekonomi keluarga. Telah dilakukan penelitian Cross Sectional Analytic di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Padang Pasir. Data diambil melalui pengukuran langsung berat badan/tinggi badan dan wawancara dengan kuesioner terhadap 107 responden, kemudian dianalisis dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian terhadap 107 bayi didapatkan sebanyak 82,2% bayi berstatus gizi normal dan hanya 18,7% bayi yang diberi ASI ekslusif, sedangkan terhadap ibu diperoleh data: 76,6% berpendidikan tinggi dan 80,4% merupakan keluarga tidak miskin. Bayi yang mendapat ASI ekslusif 80% berstatus gizi normal. Menurut tingkat pendidikan ibu, didapatkan 82,9% bayi berstatus gizi normal memiliki ibu berpendidikan tinggi. Sedangkan menurut status ekonomi keluarga, bayi yang berada pada keluarga tidak miskin sebanyak 83,7% berstatus gizi normal.
Kata kunci: status gizi, ASI ekslusif, tingkat pendidikan ibu, status ekonomi keluarga

Nutritional status is one yardstick for assessing health an infant development. There are many factors that can influence the nutritional status of infant, which are exclusive breastfeeding, mother educational status, and economic status of family. This research aimed to determine the relationship between infant nutritional status exclusive breastfeeding, mother educational status, and economic status of family. The research has been conducted about the relationship between infant nutritional status with exclusive breastfeeding, mother educational status, and economic status of family in working area of Padang Pasir Health Care. Data were taken by measurement directly for weight/height and interviewed with questionnaire to 107 respondents. Data were analyzed by using chi square. The result showed that 82,2% infant have normal status of nutrition and only 18,7% of infants who were given exclusive breastfeeding. While the result of research on the mother of respondents, then obtained a total of 76,6% highly educated and 80,4% constituting the family not be poor. Nutritional status of an infant who gets exclusive breastfeeding, 80% has normal nutrition status. According to the level of education mother, infant who possess the mother with the level of higher education, 82,9% the status is normal nutrition. And according to the economy of a family, an infant from familiy that were not poor 83,7% the status is normal nutrition.
Keywords: nutritional status, exclusive breastfeeding, mother educational status, economic status of family

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Copyright (c) 2015 Aisyah Nilakesuma, Yusri Dianne Jurnalis, Selfi Renita Rusjdi

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