Perbedaan Efektivitas Parasetamol Oral Dengan Tramadol Oral Sebagai Tatalaksana Nyeri Pasca Operasi Transurethral Resection of The Prostate

Ismail Muhammad, Alvarino Alvarino, Nasman Puar, Hafni Bachtiar


Pendahuluan. Transurethral Resection of The Prostate (TURP) merupakan tindakan operasi endoskopi yang sudah menjadi standar baku untuk penatalaksanaan pembesaran kelenjar prostat jinak yang memerlukan tindakan bedah. Nyeri pasca operasi TURP disebabkan karena trauma (reseksi jaringan prostat), iritasi foley kateter dan traksi kateter pasca TURP pada luka operasi. Metode. Merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimental yang membandingkan efektivitas pemakaian parasetamol oral 500 mg dengan tramadol oral 50 mg sebagai tatalaksana nyeri pasca TURP. Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 orang pasien yang dibagi 2 kelompok yaitu 15 orang kelompok parasetamol dan 15 orang kelompok tramadol. Intensitas nyeri dengan skala VAS dan efek samping obat dinilai pada 3jam, 5jam, 7jam pasca spinal anesthesia. Hasil penelitian kemudian diuji dengan independen T.test dan Chi-square. Hasil. Rata-rata nilai VAS 3 jam pasca spinal anastesia kelompok parasetamol adalah 0,6267 cm dan tramadol 0,6400 cm. Pada 5 jam pasca spinal anastesi rata-rata nilai VAS kelompok parasetamol 1,5800 cm, kelompok tramadol 1,4933 cm. Pada 7 jam pasca spinal anesthesia rata-rata nilai VAS kelompok parasetamol 3,5800 cm dan kelompok tramadol 3,1667 cm. Setelah uji statistik baik pada 3jam, 5jam, 7jam pasca spinal anesthesia tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna intensitas nyeri pada ke 2 kelompok dengan p > 0,05. Sedangkan kejadian mual dan alergi juga tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada kedua kelompok. p > 0,05. Kesimpulan. Parasetamol 500 mg oral versus tramadol 50 mg oral memiliki efektifitas yang sama dalam mengatasi nyeri pasca operasi TURP. Sedangkan kejadian mual dan alergi tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada ke 2 kelompok.Kata kunci: TURP, parasetamol, tramadol, VAS
Arial 9 italic Introduction. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is an endoscopic surgery that become the gold standard for the treatment of benign enlargement of the prostate gland that requires surgery. Postoperative pain due to trauma TURP (resection of prostate tissue), irritation foley catheters and catheter traction after TURP surgery on the wound. Methods. This study was an experimental research that compares the effectiveness of the use of oral paracetamol 500 mg with 50 mg oral tramadol as a pain management of post-TURP. This study involved 30 patients divided into 2 groups: 15 people group of paracetamol and 15 people group of tramadol. Pain intensity with the VAS scale and drug side effects rated at 3 hours, 5 hours, 7 hours after spinal anesthesia. Results were then tested with independent T.test and Chi-square Results were then tested with independent T.test and Chi-square. Results. Mean VAS values after 3 hours spinal anesthesia group of paracetamol and tramadol were 0.6267 cm 0.6400 cm. At 5 hours after spinal anesthesia the mean VAS value of paracetamol group was 1.5800 cm, group of tramadol was 1.4933 cm. At 7 hours after spinal anesthesia mean VAS value group of paracetamol was 3.5 800 cm and group of tramadol was 3.1667 cm. After a statistical test at 3 hours, 5 hours, 7 hours after spinal anesthesia, we conclude that there was no significant difference in pain intensity on the 2 groups with P> 0.05. While the incidence of nausea and allergies also had no significant difference in both groups. P> 0.05. Conclusion. Paracetamol 500 mg orally versus tramadol 50 mg orally had the same effectiveness in addressing postoperative pain TURP. While there was no significant difference in the 2 groups in the incidence of nausea and allergies

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Copyright (c) 2013 Ismail Muhammad, Alvarino Alvarino, Nasman Puar, Hafni Bachtiar

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