Pengaruh Pemberian Valsartan Dan Kurkumin Terhadap Pembentukan Fibrosis Di Tubulus Proksimal Ginjal Akibat Obstruksi Ureter Unilateral pada Tikus Wistar.

Lubis M, Alvarino Alvarino, Tofrizal Tofrizal, Erkadius Erkadius


Pendahuluan: Obstruksi ureter adalah kondisi terhalangnya aliran urin dari ginjal ke buli-buli, adanya obstruksi pada ureter memperlambat laju filtrasi glomerulus dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan parenkim ginjal. Fibrosis pada ginjal yang obstruksi timbul melalui dua mediator yaitu tumor nekrotik factor (TNF-α) dan angiotensin II. Penghambatan kedua mediator ini akan menurunkan tingkat fibrosis di tubulus proksimal ginjal akibat obstruksi. Zat yang bisa menghambat TNF-α salah satunya adalah kurkumin sedangkan Angitensin II dapat dihambat dengan valsatran. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental, tikus wistar dibagi dalam dua kelompok dengan jumlah tiap kelompok adalah 15 ekor. Proksimal ureter kanan diikat dan kelompok perlakuan 1 sebagai kontrol diberi valsatran, kelompok perlakuan2 diberi valsartan dan kurkumin. Pemberian oral, dimana obat dilakukan pengenceran. Hari ke lima belas dilakukan pengambilan ginjal tikus wistar, diperiksa histologi. Pembentukan fibrosis di tubulus proksimal dianalisa dengan uji statistik chisquare dengan koreksi Yates dan t test, sedang terbentuknya degenerasi hidrofik dan terbentuknya atrofi pada tubulus proksimal dianalisa dengan uji statistik t test. Hasil: Adanya perbedaan bermakna perubahan pembentukan fibrosis di tubulus proksimal ginjal antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol ( Chi Squqre didapat nilai p ≤ 0,001 dan dengan t test didapat nilai p ≤ 0,000). Terbentuknya degenerasi hidrofilik di tubulus proksimal ginjal terdapat perbedaan bermakna terbentuknya degenerasi hidrofilik kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol ( t test didapatkan nilai p ≤ 0,000). Terbentuknya atrofi di tubulus proksimal terdapatt perbedaan bermakna terbentuknya atrofi di tubulus proksimal ginjal kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol ( t test didapat nilai p ≤ 0,000). Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan pengaruh pemberian valsartan dan valsartan + kurkumin terhadap pembentukan fibrosis di tubulus proksimal ginjal. Perbedaan bermakna terbentu
Kata kunci: Obstruksi ureter, Valsartan, Kurkumin, Fibrosis, Degenerasi hidrofilik, Atrofi
Introduction: ureter obstruction is a condition where is an obstacle for urine flow from renal to blast (vesica urinaria). The obstruction in ureter will decrease glomerulus filtration flow and it destroys renal parenchym. Fibroses in obstructed renal present through two mediators, there are necrotizing tumor factors-α (TNF-α) and angiotension-II. Obstruction of this two mediators will decrease fibroses grading in proximal tubules of renal caused by obtruction. One of TNF-α inhibitors is curcumene and angiotension-II will be obstructed by valsartan. Methods: this experiment is kind of experimental type using animal experiment (Wistar Mice). Wistar Mice are divided into two groups, each group consist of 15 mice, so the total are 30 mice. This animals tighted with at proximal ureter The first group is control one, given valsartan. The second group is given valsartan and curcumene. Oral route and dilution before given. Medicine is given use 1 cc spuit. Giving action in 14 days. The fifteenth day, we take renal of Wistar and do histology examination. Significant difference between fibroses forming in proximal tubulus analyzed by Chi Square Statistic Test with correction of Yates and T-Test, beside that, hydofic degeneration and atrophy in proximal tubulus analyzed by T-Test Statistic Test. Result: there is significant difference in forming of fibroses in proximal tubules of renal between action group and controlled group (Chi Square with p ≤ 0.0001 and T-Test with p ≤ 0.000). In hydrophilic degeneration forming in proximal tubules gotten significant difference between two groups ( T-Test with p ≤ 0.000). In atrophy forming in proximal tubules, there is important difference between two groups (T-Test with p ≤ 0.000).Concultion. There is an effect in giving valsartan and curcumene to fibroses forming in proximal tubules of renal. There is significant difference in hydrophilic degeneration in proximal tubules of renal. And also there is important difference in atrophy forming in proximal tubules between two groups.
Keywords:ureter obstruction, valsartan, curcumene, fibroses, hydrophilic degeneration, atrophy.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Lubis M, Alvarino Alvarino, Tofrizal Tofrizal, Erkadius Erkadius

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