Decription of Students’ Learning Style

Laila Isrona


Belajar adalah perubahan mental yang terjadi sebagai repreentasi dan hubungan dari hasil pengalaman dalam jangka panjang. Vermunt mengklasifikasikan empat tipe belajar: meaning-directed, application-directed, reproduction-directed dan undirected learning. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali secara deskriptif bagaimana tipe belajar mahasiswa di FK-UNAND. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi potong lintang dan mendeskripsikan tipe belajar empat orang mahasiswa. Kuesioner ILS dari Vermunt dibagikan kepada enam mahasiswa dan hanya empat kuesioner yang kembali serta bisa dianalisis. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan: (1) mahasiswa A mempunyai tipe beajar yang tidak spesifik, mahasiswa ini lebih cenderung ke tipe undirected dan reproduction directed, (2) mahasiswa B menunjukkan lebih mahir dalam kegiatan belajar, tipe belajarnya lebih mengarah kepada reproduction dan application directed, (3) mahasiswa C mendapatkan nilai yang lebih tinggi pada tipe undirected, (4) mahasiswa D menunjukkan mahasiswa yang lebih mampu untuk melakukan self regulation, construction of knowledge dan mempunyai motivasi internal yang baik, namun skor yang diperoleh masih terkategori tipe undirected. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ialah terdapat tumpang tindih pola belajar pada mahasiswa, namun profile yang tepat ditunjukkan pada skor yang dominan. Rekomendasi untuk perbaikan proses belajar mengajar di FK-UNAND disampaikan berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh.
Kata kunci: ILS, mahasiswa, tipe belajar


Definition of learning is as changing of mental representation or associations for long term as a result of experience. Vermunt states four learning styles: meaning-directed, application-directed, reproduction-directed and undirected learning styles. The objective of this study was to explore descriptively how is students’ learning style in the MFAU. The research approach was qualitative method and apply cross sectional studies as well as concern at the descriptive of learning style of four MFAU students. The Vermunt’s ILS questionnaire was administered to the six medical students. Four questionnaires were returned and usable for further analysis. The results of the survey that, firstly, student A adopts unspecific learning process and she is more undirected and reproduction directed type. Secondly, the student B performances more advance at learning activities. Her score is higher at reproduction and application directed type. Thirdly, student C gets higher score at undirected type. Then, student D performs an expert learner due to self-regulation, construction of knowledge and personal interested, but the student is still more undirected type.All in all, it was found some overlapping of learning styles among students surveyed, the means of profile showed the dominant type of learning of each student. The results of the survey should provide advises for students and teachers to improve the learning-teaching process in the MFAU as succinctly presented earlier.
Keywords: learning style, ILS, student

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