Efek Pemberian Suntikan Subkutan Vitamin C Terhadap Luka Insisi Dermal
Abstrak Vitamin C berfungsi sebagai kofaktor enzyme prolil dan lysil hydroxilase. Enzym tersebut berfungsi dalam proses hidroksilasi yang membentuk ikatan hidroksiprolin dan hidroksilisin pada fibroblast dalam membentuk kolagen. Selain itu Vitaimin C juga berfungsi meregulasi dan menstabilkan trankripsi gen mRNA prokolagen pada proses pembentukan kolagen di dermis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, peneliti tertarik untuk membuktikan apakah pemberian vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal berefek pada pembentukan kolagen yang lebih padat dalam proses penyembuhan luka. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan tikus Wistar sebanyak 32 ekor, yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 16 ekor sebagai kontrol dan 16 ekor lagi sebagai perlakuan. Pada kedua kelompok dilakukan insisi di punggung sepanjang 2 cm. Kelompok perlakuan diberi suntikan vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal sebanyak 9 mg (0,09ml), sedangkan kelompokkontrol tidak diberikan.Pada hari kelima dilakukan pengambilan jaringan luka pada kedua sampel untuk pemeriksaan kepadatan kolagen secara mikroskopik. Hasil:Kepadatan kolagen pada hari kelimamenunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna dari efek penyuntikan vitamin C subkutan terhadap kepadatan kolagen (χ2 = 5,833; P<0,05). Kesimpulan: Penyuntikan vitamin C subkutan disekitar luka insisi dermal efektif dalam meeningkatan kepadatan kolagen. Kata kunci: suntikan vitamin C subkutan, kepadatan kolagen.
Abstract Vitamin C functions as enzyme co-factor for prolyl and hidroxylase lysil. The enzyme functions in hydroxylase process that builds hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine bondsin fibroblast in the synthesis of collagen. Besides that, vitamin C also functions in regulating and stabilizing procollagen mRNA gen transcription in dermal collagen synthesis. Based on the facts above, researchers are interested to prove whether subcutaneous injection of vitamin C around dermal insisional wound would result in more compact collagen synthesis in wound healing. Method:This experimental study used32 Wistar rats, divided into two group that is 16 rats as control and 16rats as experimental group. All groups underwent 2 cm long incision at the back. Experimental group were given 9mg (0.09ml) subcutaneous injection of vitamin c around the wound, while the control group were not. On the fifth day, wound tissue are taken on both sample to check the collagen density microscopically. Result:Collagen density on the fifth day showed significant difference between the two groups(χ2 = 5,833; P<0,05). Discussion:Subcutaneous vitamin C injection around the dermal incision wound is effective in increasing collagen density. Keywords: subcutaneous vitamin C injection,collagen density
Abstract Vitamin C functions as enzyme co-factor for prolyl and hidroxylase lysil. The enzyme functions in hydroxylase process that builds hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine bondsin fibroblast in the synthesis of collagen. Besides that, vitamin C also functions in regulating and stabilizing procollagen mRNA gen transcription in dermal collagen synthesis. Based on the facts above, researchers are interested to prove whether subcutaneous injection of vitamin C around dermal insisional wound would result in more compact collagen synthesis in wound healing. Method:This experimental study used32 Wistar rats, divided into two group that is 16 rats as control and 16rats as experimental group. All groups underwent 2 cm long incision at the back. Experimental group were given 9mg (0.09ml) subcutaneous injection of vitamin c around the wound, while the control group were not. On the fifth day, wound tissue are taken on both sample to check the collagen density microscopically. Result:Collagen density on the fifth day showed significant difference between the two groups(χ2 = 5,833; P<0,05). Discussion:Subcutaneous vitamin C injection around the dermal incision wound is effective in increasing collagen density. Keywords: subcutaneous vitamin C injection,collagen density
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25077/jka.v2i3.247
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Copyright (c) 2013 Surya Darma, Menkher Manjas, Deddy Saputra, Salmiah Agus, Erkadius .