Pengaruh Masase pada Punggung Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Kala I Fase Laten Persalinan Normal Melalui Peningkatan Kadar Endorfin

Yeni Aryani, Masrul Masrul, Lisma Evareny


Nyeri saat persalinan merupakan proses yang fisiologis. Sebanyak 12% - 67% wanita merasa khawatir dengan nyeri yang akan dialami saat persalinan. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan adalah dengan masase. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh masase pada punggung terhadap intensitas nyeri kala I fase laten persalinan normal melaui peningkatan kadar endorfin. Ini merupakan suatu penelitian experimental dengan post test only control group design yang dibagi atas kelompok perlakuan yang melakukan masase pada punggung dan kelompok kontrol yang tidak masase. Intensitas nyeri dinilai dengan kuisioner dan kadar endorfin diukur dengan human beta endorfin Elisa Kit. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t-test independent dan korelasi Spearmen. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan ibu bersalin yang dimasase memiliki intensitas nyeri lebih rendah 29.62 point dari pada yang tidak dimasase nilai p=0.001, ada pengaruh masase terhadap intensitas nyeri kala I persalinan normal. Ibu bersalin yang dimasase memiliki endorfin lebih tinggi dari pada yang tidak dimasase sebesar 142.82 pcg/mlnilai p=0.001 ada pengaruh masase terhadap kadar endorfin ibu bersalin normal. Ada korelasi kadar endorfin dengan penurunan intensitas nyeri dengan nilai r= 0,795 dan nilai p=0.001. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah masase pada punggung berpengaruh terhadap intensitas nyeri dan kadar endorfin ibu bersalin kala I fase laten persalinan normal serta kadar endorfin berkorelasi dengan intensitas nyeri kala I fase laten persalinan normal.
Kata kunci: masase pada punggung, intensitas nyeri, kadar endorfin.

Pain in delivery is a physiological process. About 12% - 67% of women feel the pain during delivery. One of the ways to reduce pain during delivery process is to massage mother’s back. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of massage on the back to the pain intensity in normal delivery based on the level of endorphin. This study was an experimental study with post test only control group design by massaging mother’s back in normal delivery process of primiparous phase I for 30 minutes. Data collection was done for three months. The subject were choosen randomly block with 52 respondents. Data processing was done based on the Independent t-test and Spearmen Correlation. The results of this study shows that mothers who have massage on the back before delivery process, feel lower pain intensity in 29.62 points than those who do not have massage. The result of statistical test was p =0.001, so, the massage reduces the pain intensity. Mothers who have massage, get their endorphin increased as much as 142.82 PCG/ml compared to mothers who did not have massage. There was a correlation between the increase of endorphin level with the reduction of pain intensity. The result of statistical test shows that there is a strong correlation between the endorphin level with pain intensity with a value,r=0.795andp=0.001. It can be conluded that massage on the back can reduce pain intensity in normal delivery and increase the leve lof endorphin. Furthemore, there is a strong correlation between the increase of endorphin level with pain intensity in normal delivery. It is recommended that massage on the back can be done regularly in every normal delivery. Keywords: massage on the back, pain intensity, level of endorphin

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Copyright (c) 2015 Yeni Aryani, Masrul Masrul, Lisma Evareny

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