Eosinofilik Esofagitis

Yusri Dianne Jurnalis, Yorva Sayoeti, Widiasteti Widiasteti


Eosinofilik esofagitis merupakan gangguan dimana terjadi infiltrasi eosinofil pada mukosa superfisial esophagus yang berhubungan dengan alergi makanan dan kondisi atopi seperti asma, dermatitis atopi, rhinitis alergika dan sering bersamaan dengan Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Diperkirakan insiden tahunan 43 per 10.000 pada anak. Gejala klinis mirip dengan GERD yaitu muntah, regurgitasi, nausea, nyeri dada atau epigastrium, disfagia dan hematemesis. Sekitar 50% pasien memiliki gejala alergi dan lebih 50% pasien memiliki orang tua dengan riwayat alergi. Diagnosis dapat ditegakkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan endoskopi dan histologis. Gambaran endoskopi yang ditemukan antara lain feline esophagus, corrugated esophagus, ringed esophagus, atau concentric mucosal rings, eksudat putih, vesikel atau papul dan hilangnya pola vaskular menunjukkan area fokus infiltrasi eosinofil. Diagnosis secara histologis sangat penting dimana kriteria eosinofilik esofagitis adalah jika ditemukan eosinofil >20/HPF (High Power Field). Terapi yang diberikan adalah terapi diet, farmakologis seperti kortikosteroid sistemik atau topikal, penghambat reseptor leukotrin dan anti IL-5.
Kata kunci: eosinofilik esofagitis, alergi makanan, atopi
Eosinophilic esophagitis is a disorder which there is eosinophil infiltration on superficial esophageal mucosa. It’s correlated with food allergy and atopy condition such as asthma, atopy dermatitis, rhinitis allergic and often in conjunction with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ( GERD). The incidence approximately 43/10.000 in children. The symptoms are similar with GERD, which one vomit, regurgitation, nausea, chest or epigastrium pain, dysphagia and hematemesis. About 50% patient has allergic symptoms and more than 50% parent of the patient has allergic history. The diagnose can be made base on endoscopic and histological examination. Endoscopic examination shows feline esophagus, corrugated esophagus or concentric mucosal rings, white exudates, vesikel or papul and diminished of vascular pattern, showing eosinophyl infiltration focus area. Histologic diagnosis is very important where the criteria for eosinophilic esophagitis is found eosinophils > 20 / HPF (High Power Field) within the superficial esophageal mucosa. Therapy eosinophilic esophagitis are diet therapy, pharmacological therapy with systemic or topical corticosteroid, leucotriene receptor antagonist and anti IL-5.
Keywords:Eosinophilic esophagitis, food allergy, atopy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25077/jka.v2i3.168


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Copyright (c) 2013 Yusri Dianne Jurnalis, Yorva Sayoeti, Widiasteti Widiasteti

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